OK, So What’s With All The Beach Stuff?
Careful observers may have noticed that we have a very subtle, understated beach – ocean – sand – island theme going on. Here’s what’s up with that.

Well, when you start any new venture one of the first things you have to do is name it, right? That’s harder than it may seem, especially when you need corresponding domain names and you want any kind of branding and marketing hook. It was no different when we started this new internet service based here in Sunrise Beach where all the partners live.
Wait! Sunrise BEACH! That’s it! Who doesn’t love the beach? Of course there is no actual beach in Sunrise Beach, but who cares – now all we need to do is add something that sounds “networky”. Everyone uses Wi-Fi nowadays, and it will be a part of our service, so BeachiFi it is!
But there is more to the story. Years ago when our parent company, Islandient LLC, was formed, one of us was living in the Caribbean and suffering from a severe case of “island obsession”. Everything had to be about islands and beaches and stuff, but the name needed to be fairly generic since this company was going to serve as the master entity for several lines of business.
And it turns out to be a good thing that it is mostly in the background. You see, we had always said it and heard it as “eye-LAND-ee-ent”. It seemed just fine and kinda cool, right up until the first outside person saw it and said “IS-lund-ee-what?” That’s when we new it didn’t really work very well, but the business was already up and running. So now we just embrace it and joke about it, and the island theme has become something of a trademark, used in most everything we do.
But don’t let all of the silliness fool you. We are very good at what we do, and absolutely dedicated to doing it right for our customers. We just don’t ever want to start taking ourselves too seriously, and it never hurts to have a little fun.
So, are you ready to get Beachifi-ed?